New Dexcom CGM Data Model
Scheduled for Jan 14, 2025, 09:00 - 11:00 EST
There was some confusion regarding the delivery schedule for the CGM records with one client. We wanted to clarify in case others had concerns. See below for clarification

No changes will be made to the delivery schedule for Dexcom records. Dexcom high-frequency data will continue to be reported hourly with a one-hour delay from Dexcom.
Posted Nov 15, 2024 - 10:29 EST
Change Management Statement
What's Happening?
The Inform API is being updated to incorporate a new CGM resource designed to provide better context for high-frequency Dexcom CGM readings. This new resource offers a more effective way to represent CGM data, and clients must plan to transition to it within the next few months.

Affected Action:
Receiving High-Frequency Dexcom Data

Deprecated Resource:
Dexcom Intraday

New Resource:
Dexcom CGM

Am I Affected?
Any client using the Inform API to integrate with Dexcom devices will be affected by this change. This includes those receiving high-frequency Dexcom data. Existing integrations for other devices using Intraday records (Fitbit, Garmin, etc.) are not impacted. User connections to Dexcom are not impacted.

What Is the Timeline?
November 13, 2024: Announcement of Dexcom CGM changes.
January 14, 2025: The new CGM resource becomes active on the Inform API and connected Dexcom users will start generating CGM records alongside existing Intraday records.
July 15, 2025: The Dexcom Intraday data model is officially shut down. All Dexcom high-frequency processing must be transitioned to the new CGM resource before this date.

What Changes Are Coming?
*Stream Adjustments: On January 14, 2025 Dexcom CGM records will begin to appear in any Streams where a `resource_filter` filter has not been set to filter out `cgm`.
*All clients must check their existing Inform Streams and make adjustments, if needed to filter out CGM records until they are ready to consume them.
*New CGM Resource: A new CGM resource is being introduced to the Inform API on January 14, 2025 to handle high-frequency Dexcom data.
*New API Endpoint: The Inform REST API is being updated to include a new endpoint that returns cgm high-frequency data.
*Dexcom Intraday Deprecation: The Dexcom Intraday data model is being deprecated as of January 14, 2025 and will be shut down on July 15, 2025.
*Data Model Transition: All clients currently processing Dexcom Intraday data will need to switch to the new CGM resource and its associated data model before the shutdown date.
*After July 15, 2025, Intraday records will only be used for activity-based high-frequency metrics from sources like Fitbit and Garmin. All CGM data will be reported solely through the CGM resource.

What To Expect?
*Duplicate Records: From January 14, 2025 through July 15, 2025, both CGM and Intraday records will report the same Dexcom high-frequency readings if your stream configuration sends both event resource types.
*New Data Format: The CGM resource utilizes a different data model than Intraday. Familiarize yourself with the new structure outlined in the provided examples and documentation links.
*Cumulative Updates: Each CGM record for a given UTC day will be cumulative, including all time/value pairs for that day, with the record size growing until the day ends.
*Checksum Identification: Use the "checksum" field to track updates to a CGM record throughout the day.
*More Time Details: Inform receives two representations of time from Dexcom (`time` and `display_time`) and both are reported for each CGM reading value. Also, the top-level of the CGM record includes `start_time` and `end_time` fields that define the UTC day that the CGM record represents.

What Do I Need To Do?
Immediate Action - Before January 14, 2025

Stream Management:
*Verify if a `resource_filter` is set on your Inform Streams. Without this filter, your system will begin receiving CGM records on January 14, 2025, and must either ignore them safely or handle them correctly.
If no `resource_filter` exists on your streams, delete and recreate the streams, setting the filter to include the desired resources. Omit "CGM" to avoid receiving these records until you are ready to integrate them.

Data Model Migration:
*Read the provided documentation about the new CGM resource and Dexcom CGM processing.
The documentation provides in-depth instructions and examples on mapping Dexcom data fields from the current Intraday format to the new CGM format.
Comprehensive explanations regarding time handling are also included in the documentation.

*Prepare for adjusting your Dexcom high-frequency processing to utilize the new CGM resource and data model well before the July 15, 2025, deadline.

Future Action - Before July 15, 2025
*Adjust your Dexcom high-frequency processing to utilize the new CGM resource and data model well before the July 15, 2025 deadline.
*Don’t forget to set your streams to include the cgm resource. You can do this by deleting and recreating your streams and either (1) omitting the `resource_filter` to include every resource type or (2) setting a `resource_filter` that includes `cgm`.

How Will I Get Support?
For further information, refer to the provided documentation:
*API Changelog:
*CGM API Specification:

Dexcom Integration Documentation: *

You may also contact our support team for assistance.
Posted Nov 13, 2024 - 11:49 EST
This scheduled maintenance affects: Dexcom.